Forward Foundation

Vlag Nederland Vlag Tanzania



We have so far collected an amount of approximately € 1200.00. In consultation with the women we will assist them to buy the following:

Article In T.Shillings In Euro
6 oxen 1,500,000.00 900.00
2 ploughs 250,000.00 150.00
Total 1,750,000.00 1,050.00

This can provide the group an income, as a result of which they can make an important financial contribution to the following projects.

We will inform you as soon as possible of the further developments, concerning this first project. HERE


As the second project the women like to start with the construction of a nursery school.

Click on picture left will open a PDF file which you can download

For this project, we still need to save a little while; the estimated costs are approximately € 15,000.00.

Water, clean and safe drinking water is very important and difficult to get.
It is necessarily that, in the near future, the foundation has to pay attention to this problem.

We will try, as much as possible, to buy most (if not all) of the equipment locally.
Doing so, we will also assist the local industry.

© 2015 Pieter Bosma
